The FRDA’s mission is to provide information and to educate and conduct programs that will enhance the business interests of our members and allow them to provide the construction industry with the best available technology and business practices.


Members of the Florida Roof Deck Association should recognize that their profession and their practice may be governed by various laws and building regulations, professional registration and the conduct of trade. It is their responsibility, therefore, to be familiar with those laws and regulations and to conduct themselves accordingly.


The standards contained in this Code of Ethics are statements of ethical principles having broad applicability to members of the Florida Roof Deck Association.

Members should uphold the spirit of these ethical standards in governing their professional affairs and should consider the full impact of their actions on other members of the organization, their trade and the community at large. Members shall conduct themselves in a fashion which brings credit to themselves, their employees and their profession.

Therefore, a Florida Roof Deck Association member:

  • Shall engage in accurate, appropriate and truthful promotion of its trade.

  • Shall make accurate, truthful and appropriate statements or claims about its professional qualifications, experiences and performance.

  • Shall practice in accordance within applicable laws, professional design standards and building regulations.

  • Shall preserve the confidence of its clients and serve them in a professional and competent manner.

  • Shall encourage professional education and research, as well as the development and dissemination of information relating to the design and construction of its products.

  • Shall be respectful of the rights of others in obtaining professional work or employment.

  • Shall respond to the design profession in presenting accurate, updated information and represent the industry in a professional manner.


We would be glad to present a one-hour educational presentation to your group that details the uses, properties and benefits of Lightweight Insulating Concrete in a roof deck system.

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